Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Favorite Song of the Moment.

alela diane - white as diamonds

I cannot get over this song! Her voice is so captivating. Her high register reminds me a bit of Joanna Newsom and some other familiar female artists that I cannot quite put my finger on. The music video plays out like the great character study films I have come to love such as Old Joy, Wendy and Lucy or even to a lesser degree All the Real Girls. I love the way the song slowly adds more and more layers of vocals and instrumentation. The violin coming in toward the end is fantastic and oddly enough makes me recall an old folk punk band I used to listen to called Ballydowse. I am excited to see what this unknown singer brings us on a full album.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Top 50 Albums of 2008

Here it is. I worked long and hard on this...mostly for myself. I like to look back over the years and remember what I was listening to, and since I am constantly listening to whatever is new, I forget about a lot of albums from even only a couple years ago. Check it out and look up some of these bands. Support independent artists!

Check out my other lists below, including top TV shows, Films and Songs.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Top 50 Songs of 2008

Link to the list:

Links to Download all 50 songs:

You may have to sort by: Track Number in iTunes in order to get the tracks in the right order.
If you like the artist, support them by buying their work!

Top 50 albums list almost complete! Still re listening to a few key albums.