Monday, October 25, 2010

back back back

tomorrow I go back to amsterdam for a few days. Completely out of the way from my next work stop. I will visit and hang out with my ball state friends Kelly Hake and Malina in Amsterdam and revisit a Dutch couchsurfing girl before making the 20 hour train ride all the way down to italy to work on an olive farm for my last 3 weeks. Amsterdam is completely out of the way, but only geographically and only on paper. The adventures, fun and experiences will be in way with what I need.


Today, I was reminded of the incredibly crazy nature of human beings, the most insane creatures on this planet. People in a large factory making 10 different kinds of chocolate from a fruit picked and sliced with a large machete, wielded by the black skinned men in another country, yielding a bean inside. The workers, human and incredibly complex, powerful machines in an assembly line of packaging large amounts of delicious treats. The french spoken tour was confusing to comprehend, however my eyes and especially nose were able to understand the vast production of savored desserts. At the end we could sample all the vaiours chocolates to our hearts, or rather taste buds content. Luckily, I kept my stomach in mind before devouring it all.


Gypsy family playing acoustically straight to my soul in the little theatre packed full of 60 plus.

Painted all day with Miros and her french lessons.

Andi's jokes increase by the day.

A new bread, a new cheese, new dessert, new job.

Had the best lasagna I have ever had last night. More best of's from Priska.

The cold is getting to me, I am ready for Italy and her warmth in a week or so's time. Not ready for winter in the states. (note: after being in a bit of snow on the mountain yesterda, I am definitely ready for snow filled indiana with my nephews!!!)

(watching a free form jazz band)
The moon is full. The air is cold. On top of this mountain, a man stands saxophone in hand grinding his teeth, as the snare snaps, bass hits and piano races faster and faster. Waiting to be inspired for his next breath of air to flow through the instrument clutched to his chest like a new born.

The instruments are dancing. No! Now they are fighting. Just as fast as human relationships, these fickle producers of sound.

Goodbye switzerland. You have a special place in my heart, even if I didnt see your coveted alps.

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